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First edition

Ferdinand BERTHOUD Histoire de la mesure du temps par les horloges

Ferdinand BERTHOUD

Histoire de la mesure du temps par les horloges

De L'imprimerie de la République, à Paris 1802, in-4 (20x26cm), (2) xxviij, 373pp. (1) et (2) xvj, 447pp. (1), 2 volumes reliés.

Edition illustrated with 23 folding plates in fine Volumes I and 2.

Binders full of used brown sheepskin time. back smooth decorated with two different irons. as exhibits in red morocco volume number of parts in black leather. Headgear head torn Volume I; torn tails. Mors top of Volume I and split open the head and tail. outer edge of Volume I and blunt naked ainsiq took over, same for volume 2, but only partly. All very rubbed.


Réf : 57279

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