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Page 48 : Results 377 to 384 on 409 Books
First edition
Remonstrance à Messieurs de la cour de Parlement sur le parricide comis en la personne du roy ...
S.n., s.l. [Paris] 1610, in 8 (10,5x16,5cm), 40pp., broché.
First Edition. Uncommon
Paperback, in brown paper ..
Particularly violent pamphlet which begins in exonerating Ravaillac which would have been an instrument of death in the service of the Jesuits. Regicide would be the culmination of a vast conspiracy seeking to entrench the power of the [...]
650 €
DE TOTA GRACIA LIBRI DECEM, quibus non solum urbium situs, locorumq[ue] interualla accuratè est ...
Per Ioannem Oporinum., Basilae (Bâle) 1550, in Folio (21,5x33,5cm), (12) 438pp. (50). Signatures: A6 a-z6 2A-N6 O4 P-S6., relié.
First edition of the famous translation of Abraham Loesher, the best edition and the most faithful according Keyboard. The Princeps of this text dates from 1516 edition, printed by Aldus in Venice, but according to Brunet (Iv, 454), although rare, it was made on a bad script and was performed [...]
1 100 €
First edition
Histoire des négociations de Nimegue par le sieur de St Disdier
suivant la copie imprimée Chez Claude Barbin, à Paris 1680, in 12 (9x15cm), (20) 330pp. (20)., relié.
First edition? We did not find any previous edition, however there is no privilege which proves that it is the original. Edition sphere. Absent at the British Library a copy in Cambridge. A copy of the St. Geneviève library and several copies of the BN France, including reissues of 1697. Sheepskin [...]
350 €
Des suites de la contre Révolution de 1660 en Angleterre
se vend chez F. Buisson, à Paris An VII [1798], in-8 (14x21cm), x, 11-94pp., broché.
Mentioned second edition on the title page. Published on the date of the original publication, it is possible that the reference second edition is fictitious. A copy in the catalog of the National Library of France, no catalogs in French, but many in England. Brochure published in his state under [...]
300 €
First edition
Heinrich MASCAMP
Institutiones historicae. Quibus explicantur res omnis Aevi, observata[m] ubique per aequabilia ...
Sumptibus Micheal Andreas Fuhrmann., Amsterdam 1711, in 4 (15,5x20cm), (8) 252pp., relié.
First Edition. Printing 2 columns. Full contemporary calf. Back tooled raised. Part of title in red morocco. Some pages slightly browned. Good copy. Study which is based on the Tabula Cebes of Thebes, Socratic philosopher, disciple of Socrates, and the Memorabilia of Xenophon, as well as the Manual [...]
500 €
L'estat et comportement des armes. Livre autant util, que necessaire à tous gentils-hommes, ...
de l'imprimerie de Jean Mommart., Bruxelles 1626, in-4 (15,5x19,5cm), (8) 187pp. (5)., relié.
Second edition after the original from 1597, Brussels, in Folio. Illustrated with 114 emblazoned on wood, genealogical trees. Title page in red and black. Thumbnail of the printer on the title page. Initials. France has the BN edition 1630 in Paris. No copy in French catalogs. It is the 1597 [...]
700 €
First edition
Traduction des remarques sur le rescrit circulaire de Vienne, adressé à tous les ministres ...
S.n., s.l. 1741, in 4 (18,5x25cm), 58pp. (1bc)., en feuilles.
First Edition. Uncommon, 2 copies of the BN France, nothing in the UK, a copy in Berlin. Sheet. Since the sixteenth century, there had always been a man to head of the house of Austria, and the estate had passed from male to male. But the Emperor Charles VI had only daughters. He wanted to leave [...]
350 €
First edition
Louis Philippe Joseph D' ORLEANS
Conjuration de Louis-Philippe-Joseph D'Orléans, surnommé Egalité...
Chez Dentu, à Paris 1831, in-8 (22x13,5cm), 149pp., broché.
First Edition? We have not found any trace of this book in electronic catalogs in France and the United Kingdom. Brochure of origin in pink paper. History of Louis-Philippe Joseph d'Orléans as a slanderer and whistleblower angle. The author presents and portrays man as a clever and unscrupulous [...]
180 €
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