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Page 49 : Results 385 to 392 on 409 Books


De caesaribus atque imperatoribus romanis, opus insigne : ab innumeris, quibus antea scatebat, ...

per Ioannem Oporinum & Nicolaum Brylingerum., Basilae (Bâle) [1561], in-folio (32x21cm), (28) 638pp. , 239pp. (36)., relié.

First edition containing the comments Wolfgang Hunger. The 1540 edition earlier date. Date 1561 is the end of the dedication of Albert Reyffenstain, the publisher of the book. In addition to the main text, the book includes the Diarum author, De Caesaris congressu Maximiliani augusti, and trium [...]

900 €

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Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans une assemblée tenue au bas du Parnasse...

Chez Jean 't Lam, à Amsterdam 1739, in-12 (16x10cm), (24) 123pp., relié.

Account of what happened in a meeting held at the foot of Parnassus for the reform of belles lettres. Curious work and compound reported, according to the method of the wits of the time parts. Counterfeiting of the first edition published on the same date at Pierre Paupie in The Hague. Title page [...]

300 €

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[ESPAGNE] Leyes de recopilacion, que contiene los libros primero, segundo, tercero... nono

En la imprenta de Juan de Zuniga., Madrid 1745, petits in Folio (30x20cm), (12) 839 et (4) 768pp. -152., deux volumes reliés.

The first collection of laws governing Spain appears in 1567 at the instigation of King Philip II. This collection will be reprinted and made up to 1775 A third book was published containing los autos acordaspine. This edition is complete with its index at the end of Volume II. Absent the BN of [...]

900 €

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First edition


Déclaration du Roy contre les usurpateurs de noblesse, en interpretation de celle du huictième ...

Par les imprimeurs & libraires ordinaires du roy, à Paris 1664, in-4 (21,5x16,5cm), 15pp., broché.

First Edition. Paperback, under shirt. Creating a commission against the usurpers and obligation to the nobility to produce proof of their titles since 1550. Those who do will not be able commoners will be declared and subject to a fine and size. This statement comes as a counterpoint to that of [...]

450 €

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Johann / Jean CARION

Les chroniques de Jean Carion philosophe. Avec les faictz & gestes du roy françois, iusques au ...

Par Iean Ruelle, à Paris 1556, fort in-16 (12x8cm), (32) ff., 374 ff., (2) ff. [-]8 [A-Z]8 [Aa-Zz]8 Aaa8., relié.

The original of the French translation seems to have appeared for the first time in 1549, along with the Latin translation of the German. Rare. Absent the BN of France and English catalogs, one copy to the library of Lunel. Calf full time, back with nerves carrying a title tag paper. boards with [...]

900 €

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Perutilis tractatus jurispatronatus cum summaris distinctionum ac causarum quaestionum decreti

Viventius de Portonarius, Joanem Crispin, Lyon 1533, in-8 (18x12,5cm), xcix (18 f.)., relié.

Rare Edition. Absent the BN of France, the French catalogs and the British Library a copy in Oxford and at Harvard Hollis catalog (even snacks) which also has a copy of 1506 and another from 1549 Oxford. Announces 19 leaflets index, the extension page can not be that the thumbnail of the editor, it [...]

800 €

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First edition


Le messager de Fontainebleau. Avec les nouvelles et les paquets de la cour

S.n., s.l. [Paris] 1623, petit in-8 (15x10cm), 16pp., broché.

First Edition very rare. Absent the French catalogs, English and Hollis catalog of the Harvard library. Paperback, covered with a paper in his old tank, seventeenth or eighteenth. Pamphleteer and satirist writing on retirement of Louis XIII in Fontainebleau and the political situation inside and [...]

600 €

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Masaniello, ou la révolution de Naples, fragment historique, traduit de l'allemand de M. Meissner

S.n., à Vienne & se trouve à Paris 1789, in-8 (22x14cm), 168 pp., broché.

First French translation of this book appeared in German in Leipzig in 1784. Brochure of origin, with decorative wrapping paper of the time, the pages of other autograph dedication of the authors are served custody. History of the revolt in Naples in 1646, by a poor fishmonger named Masaniello, who [...]

200 €

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