Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 649 : Results 5185 to 5192 on 5227 Books
First edition, Signed book
Paul-Adrien SCHAYE
A l'étape
Bibliothèque Omnia, Paris s.d. (1920), 13,5x19cm, broché.
Edition which he was fired as 5 Holland paper. Rare autograph dedication of the author. Illustrated cover, rare. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!
80 €
First edition, Signed book
Marie-Anne COMMENE
Rose Colonna
Nrf, Paris 1930, 17x23cm, broché.
First Edition, one of 109 ex numbered on Lafuma Navarre and reimposed in quarto format foolscap, leading copy. Very nice full page autograph dedication of the author a couple of his friends. Nice copy. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the [...]
60 €
First edition, Signed book
Le désert de Bièvres
Mercure de France, Paris 1937, 13x19cm, broché.
First Edition, one of the numbered on pure Lafuma over 965. autograph dedication of the author on the title page. Spine slightly lightened by sun light, otherwise good copy. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact [...]
50 €
First edition, Signed book
Un printemps arabe
Albin Michel, Paris 1959, 13x20,5cm, relié.
Edition on current paper. Autograph signed by the author. Beautiful copy, with its rhodoïd. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!
70 €
First edition, Signed book
Les collégiens
La Table Ronde, Paris 1960, 12x19cm, broché.
First edition, an advance (service de presse) copy.
Handsome autograph inscription from the author to françois Nourissier.
A very good copy.
150 €
First edition, Signed book
Portrait de l'enfant
Denoël, Paris 1969, 12x19cm, broché.
First edition, an advance (service de presse) copy, of which there were only 15 large paper copies.
Autograph inscription from Louis Calaferte to Marcel Haedrich.
80 €
First edition, Signed book
Itinéraire sentimental (De Musset à Cocteau)
Editions du milieu du monde, Genève 1942, 12x19cm, broché.
First Edition of which there is no mention of leading copies, a review copies. Superb autograph dedication of the author full page of the author, back insolated. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any [...]
20 €
First edition, Signed book
Le lycée Henry IV
Gallimard, Paris 1936, 12x19cm, broché.
First edition, one of 80 numbered copies on alfa mousse paper, the only large paper copies.
Autograph inscription from André Chaumeix on endpaper, a very good copy.
100 €
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